Time Capsule Opening, 21 April 2019

Buried in 1994, the J Ward time capsule was opened at 2:30pm on Sunday 21 April 2019.

Following the Official formalities guests were invited to take a leisurely tour of J Ward to see and appreciate the achievements made during the 25 plus years of a dedicated volunteer group.

Mayor, Cr Pat McAloon speaking at the laying of the Time Capsule at J Ward in 1994
Bob Aston and Gwenda Allgood watching Danny Barry and Tim White lay the block of bluestone on top of the capsule
Cr Gwenda Allgood and volunteer Ron Roberts preparing to lift the capsule
The time capsule is out!
Gwenda and Ron checking the contents of the time capsule
Contents of the time capsule: List of members in 1994; newspaper clippings; advertising leaflets; video; record of some of the patients court hearings; small number of photos of activities and some with the volunteers and visitors
Meeting minutes from the formation of the Friends of J Ward
A newspaper article from 1993